====================== PyPI Release Checklist ====================== *Copyright 2015, Audrey Roy Greenfeld* Before Your First Release ------------------------- #. Register the package on PyPI: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py register #. Visit PyPI to make sure it registered. For Every Release ------------------- .. todo:: An automatic CHANGELOG now handles history—another small tutorial describing how-to create a release is required. See `Issue 36 `__. #. Update HISTORY.rst #. Commit the changes: .. code-block:: bash git add HISTORY.rst git commit -m "Changelog for upcoming release 0.1.1." #. Install the package again for local development, but with the new version number: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py develop #. Run the tests: .. code-block:: bash tox #. Push the commit: .. code-block:: bash git push #. Push the tags, creating the new release on both GitHub and PyPI: .. code-block:: bash git push --tags #. Check the PyPI listing page to make sure that the README, release notes, and roadmap display properly. If not, try one of these: #. Copy and paste the RestructuredText into http://rst.ninjs.org/ to find out what broke the formatting. #. Check your long_description locally: .. code-block:: bash pip install readme_renderer python setup.py check -r -s #. Edit the release on GitHub (e.g. https://github.com/imAsparky/cookiecutter/releases). Paste the release notes into the release's release page, and come up with a title for the release.