.. include:: /extras.rst.txt .. highlight:: rst .. index:: create-GH-repo ; Index .. _create-GH-repo: ========================== Create a GitHub Repository ========================== | See a list of steps below to get your GitHub Repository up and running fast. Pre-requisites ============== A `GitHub `_ account. .. _create-GH-repo-tutorial: Tutorial ======== Navigate to your GitHub account Repositories page and click New. .. image:: ../_static/imgs/tutorials/github-repo-page.png :alt: GitHub Repositories page +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fill in your new repository name. If you get a green tick, your chosen name is available. Fill in a short description. .. image:: ../_static/imgs/tutorials/create-new-repo.png :alt: Create a New Repository Click `Create Repository`. .. hint:: No need to choose any `Initialize this repository with:` options. These are all generated for you when you create your package. .. important:: The repository name and short description are prompts that you will fill in when creating your cookiecutter-py3-package. .. code-block:: bash "git_project_name": "project_short_description": +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _new-repo-cli-options: New Repository Command Line Options ----------------------------------- After clicking `Create Repository` you will be presented with these options. .. image:: ../_static/imgs/tutorials/new-repo-cli-options.png :alt: New Repository Command Line Options Here you can choose how you want to get started and the commands are conveniently described. .. hint:: If you prefer, cookiecutter-py3-package can set the local repository up for you and get it ready for the first push, complete with a `Conventional Commits `_ style message. The option used by cookiecutter-py3-package to do this is a slightly modified `…or create a new repository on the command line`. To enable automatic local git setup, choose the default setting on the following option. .. code-block:: bash "automatic_set_up_git_and_initial_commit": "y", Whats next? ----------- :ref:`Create a cookiecutter-py3-package`. or you can Check out our other :ref:`Tutorials` for more information on how to get the most out of your cookiecutter package.